CSS Gradient Generator

With this tool, you can quickly generate CSS codes for multi-colored linear background gradients and radial background gradients. (bookmark for quick reuse)

Config Get PNG



    Gradient properties

    Current gradient needs advanced features so the desired layout is overwritten! ... Force change
    Current gradient needs expert features so the desired layout is overwritten! ... Force change

    CSS Gradient Generator is a free online tool for web developers to create and generate simple to complex linear and radial CSS background gradients.

    What are CSS3 gradients, and why should we use them?

    CSS3 gradients display smooth transitions between two or more specified colors producing a nice effect. Earlier, you had to use background images for these effects. By using CSS3 gradients, you can reduce download time and bandwidth usage to download background gradient images. Elements created with CSS3 gradient appear much smoother than gradient background images, as they are generated by web browsers and do not degrade their quality.

    There are two types of CSS gradients:

    1. Linear Gradients: direction - top-to-bottom, bottom-to-top, left-to-right, right-to-left, diagonal to some degree.

    2. Radial Gradients: from center to the farthest-side, can be positioned horizontally and vertically.

    Both types of gradients can be set to repetition, to get that zebra-line effect.


    Here are screenshots of some gradients created with this tool - blog with examples

    It is recommended to bookmark it on your web browsers to quickly revisit and reuse it when needed for better productivity at work.

    Please share these tools with your friends and colleagues. Also, it will be great if you can recommend these tools in your blogs if you have one. Thank You :-)

    Follow these simple steps to get the best results with this tool.

    • Step 1 - Use Config settings to set gradient tool according to your needs.
    • Step 2 - Choose gradients from 20+ presets and then modify them in the properties area to get the gradient you need.
    • Step 3 - Check the preview area to observe whatever setting changes you have made for feedback. You can also pop out the preview area to expand it and see how it looks like expanding its width and height.
    • Step 4 - Gradient Properties - change colors, gradient type from liner and radial, the direction of the gradient, direction in terms of the degree to get that exact effect you need.
    • Step 5 - Now click the "Get CSS" blue colored button on the top to get the CSS for the gradient you created. You can also create a png image file by clicking the "Get PNG" button just on the left side to the blue-colored "Get CSS" button.

    Now, save this tool or bookmark it on your web browser to revisit it quickly when needed. Thank you!

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