Image Resizer & Compressor with Comparison

With this tool, you can quickly resize and compress images, control quality, convert PNG to JPG, and compare them with the originals. (bookmark for quick reuse)

Options (images only gets compressed by default options)
Original image Download
{{ input.lastModified || 'N/A' }}
{{ input.lastModifiedDate || 'N/A' }}
{{ || 'N/A' }}
File Type:
{{ input.type || 'N/A' }}
{{ input.size | prettySize }}
{{ output.inputImageWidth + ' x ' + output.inputImageHeight }} pixels
Compressed image Download
{{ output.lastModified || 'N/A' }}
{{ output.lastModifiedDate || 'N/A' }}
{{ || 'N/A' }}
File Type:
{{ output.type || 'N/A' }}
{{ output.size | prettySize }}
({{ ((1 - (output.size / input.size)) * 100).toFixed(2) }}% off)

Compare Images

Image Resizer and Compressor is a free online tool that resizes widths and heights of images and compresses them to reduce overall size. Compressed images are light in size and get easily downloaded even at low internet speeds. With this tool, you can also control images quality and compare them with the original before finalizing and downloading them.

Why is it necessary to resize and compress images before uploading them to your websites and blogs?

It is a good practice to resize and compress all your images once before uploading them to your websites and blogs. Images carry unwanted information that only makes them heavy in size and makes websites slower. After resizing and compressing them, you can remove unwanted information and reduce their size by far. Resized images feel much sharper than large images forcefully contracted by CSS styles in websites and blog posts. Search engines like Google also rank websites and blogs with good page speeds higher as they provide a better overall user experience. You should use JPG/JPEG file extensions within your blog posts, websites, and social posts as much as possible as they provide much better file compression and expected results. So, image resizing and compressing is a great way to optimize images for faster website speed and a better user experience.

It is recommended to bookmark it on your web browsers to quickly revisit and reuse it when needed for better productivity at work.

Please share these tools with your friends and colleagues. Also, it will be great if you can recommend these tools in your blogs if you have one. Thank You :-)

Follow these simple steps to get the best results with this tool.

Step 1 - Selecting Options

This step is also simple but needs some basic knowledge about the options. You can control the width and height of your image and also the quality of compression. By default, there is no resizing of the image width and height.

Whenever you alter any option value, immediately, you can observe the image getting changed with the new width and height in the 'Compare images' section. You will also see the draggable left-right comparison line with a button in between that you can use to compare compressed images over the originals.

Options Explained:
  • Max Width - Insert a number if you want your image to retain its original width if it is less than the number you entered but not exceeding it.
  • Max Height - Insert a number if you want your image to retain its original height if it is less than the number you entered but not exceeding it.
  • Min Width - Insert a number if you want your image to be at least of this width but retain its original width if exceeding it.
  • Min Height - Insert a number if you want your image to be at least of this height but retain its original height if exceeding it.
  • Quality - A lower number means more compression is done on the image and it will be lesser in size.
  • File Type - You can choose the compressed file to be of JPEG or PNG format. By default, 'Auto' is selected, which means compress file will retain original file extension.
Step 2 - Click and browse or drop your JPEG/JPG image files

Click and browse or drop your JPG/JPEG or PNG image files that you want to resize and compress to the top-most dotted area. Upload is a fast process as the image is not uploaded to servers but cached in your browser memory only. The compression will execute by itself with default settings. You will be able to view default settings in the 'Options' section and 'Original image' and 'Compressed image' information on the right side in their respective sections. The download button will also be available in the 'Compressed image' section.

Step 3 - Downloading Compressed Image

After you are satisfied with the compressed image in the comparison window, you can now download the image. This is also a fast process as the image will be downloaded from the browser cache itself. No internet data is consumed at this step also.

Now, save this tool or bookmark it on your web browser to revisit it quickly when needed. Thank you! © 2021 | hosted by Bluehost (web hosting)