The minified output ()


JavaScript Minify and Uglify is a JavaScript parser, minifier, and compressor tool that makes your code harder to read by truncating variable names to single characters. It not only removes whitespaces but makes transformations to the code.

Uglification improves overall performance while transforming the code into an "unreadable" form by changing variable names, function names, etc, to hide the original content. It's not possible to return minified code to its original form.

You must keep the minified files in the .min extension so you can edit the non minified file easily during code changes and then minify them again using this tool.

It is recommended to bookmark it on your web browser to revisit it quickly when needed for better productivity.

Please share these tools with your friends and colleagues. Also, it will be great if you can recommend these tools in your blogs if you have one. Thank You :-)

Follow these simple steps to get the best results with this tool.

  • Step 1 - Copy your JavaScript code from your file and paste it to the tool's text area.
  • Step 2 - Press the blue-colored button labeled as "Minify and Uglify Code", and you will see the success message at the top right side of the text area showing size and saved percentage.
  • Step 3 - Select all minified code back to a new .min JavaScript file and include that file in your HTML istead of original JavaScript file.
  • Step 4 - Press the 'Reset' button in grey color if you want to use it again to minify more than one file.

Now, save this tool or bookmark it on your web browser to revisit it quickly when needed. Thank you! © 2021 | hosted by Bluehost (web hosting)