With this tool, you can quickly identify the difference between two versions of text or code, down to the level of lines, words, and characters. (bookmark for quick reuse)
The Difference Checker is a free online tool to compare and locate differences between two versions of a text or code in a user-friendly view. It can easily detect differences and show them side by side in real-time while you are editing. Differences are highlighted and also counted as added or deleted for easy understanding. It can detect differences within lines, words, and down to the level of characters.
It is recommended to bookmark it on your web browsers to quickly revisit and reuse it when needed for better productivity at work.
Please share these tools with your friends and colleagues. Also, it will be great if you can recommend these tools in your blogs if you have one. Thank You :-)
Follow these simple steps to get the best results with this tool.
Step 1 - Copy and paste your first version of text inside the left-most panel under "First text or code" and the second version to the middle panel under the "Second text or code". The third panel (right-most) highlights the differences between the first two panel texts with "Deleted" and "Added" words, lines, or characters counts at the top of the view panel. The deleted part is shown in red-colored text and added part is shown in light-green color in the view panel.
Step 2 - After observing the differences you can directly edit the first text/code or second text/code as needed and simultaneously get feedback from the right side difference view panel.
Step 3 - You can now copy the text back to your files if needed after working on them.
Font-size increase/decrease: You can increase or decrease font size according to your will. The default value is 12px.
Line Wrap: Choose how to wrap text lines inside all panels. By default, it is normally wrapped and the line will wrap whenever necessary according to the panel width.
Difference Level: You can choose different levels among characters, words, and lines while checking differences. This might help you locate differences more effectively. By default, it will show differences in the level of words.
Clear all panels: Just press the clear all panels if you want to start new quickly.
Now, save this tool or bookmark it on your web browser to revisit it quickly when needed. Thank you!
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